Monday, July 9, 2007


Build database independent ADO.NET programs with Mimer Provider Manager

Introduction to Mimer Provider Manager

When you develop applications that access databases using ADO.NET you use different Data Providers for different databases. Because of this you cannot simply write database independent applications. The Mimer Provider Manager (Mpm) system makes it easy to build efficient applications that are possible to use against different databases without changing any code. This is achieved in Mimer Provider Manager with a unified interface that encapsulates the different vendor specific database interfaces. You can see Mpm as an ADO.NET provider dispatcher that uses different plugins to access different underlying ADO.NET providers. From the application perspective, Mpm is just another ADO.NET provider. Currently, plugins are developed for Oracle, Mimer SQL, SQL Server, ODBC, and OLEDB. There is also a generic plugin that can use any underlying provider using reflection at a slightly higher cost.

The benefits of this architecture are the following:

  • Independent on underlying provider used.
  • Easy to switch to another provider.
  • Possible to pick the highest performance configuration without any application changes.
  • Not locked into a specific database.
  • Allows concurrent access to different providers.

The interfaces supported are the standard interfaces for accessing ADO.NET providers. This means that applications that use the Mimer Provider Manager by default does not use ADO.NET provider specific features. However, the architecture allows the applications to also access provider specific features. This is done in a manner that makes it clear that this is happening. So, for example, an application may consist of 98% provider independent code and 2% provider specific. When using the Mimer Provider Manager the 2% are easily identifiable.

The current version of the Provider Manager supports the following underlying providers:

  • Mimer SQL
  • SQL Server
  • Microsoft's Oracle provider
  • Oracle's native provider
  • ODBC Provider
  • Ole Db provider
  • Generic provider that can work with most underlying providers


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